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The Most Important Vaccines for Kids

Published on June 20, 2024

No parent enjoys the idea of injecting their beloved child with a cocktail of mysterious vaccine ingredients, yet historically, parents received the news of novel, life-saving vaccines with joy and wonder. A simple walk through an old cemetery helps today’s parents understand the critical importance of life-saving vaccines for children who once commonly died from Read More…

Medical Malpractice Statistics for 2024

Published on June 15, 2024

Doctors and other medical providers owe their patients a special duty of care. They must treat patients at the standard of care accepted by the medical community or the way another, reasonable physician would treat them under the same circumstances. When a clinician fails in this duty, it constitutes medical malpractice and leaves them liable Read More…

The Most Common Reasons for Emergency Room Visits

Published on June 10, 2024

Emergencies are not scheduled, they happen without warning. Unlike pre-arranged medical appointments at a doctor’s office, emergency rooms must accept patients at any time, 24/7, and provide them with skilled care. An estimated 124 million Americans visit emergency rooms each year. Of those visits, 42 million were for injuries and the remainder were for illnesses. Read More…

When Does Amputation Count as Medical Malpractice?

Published on June 5, 2024

We trust our doctors and medical providers with our health, our lives, and our futures. Fortunately, most doctors practice diligent care and restore injured or ill patients to health. Unfortunately, in some cases, a doctor’s mistake or negligence leads to a serious injury. When a doctor breaches their duty of care toward a patient and Read More…

Top Ten Hard to Diagnose Diseases

Published on June 1, 2024

Failure to diagnose and delayed diagnosis are two of the most common causes of medical malpractice claims. When a doctor fails to diagnose a serious medical condition, the results can be worsened disease condition, injury, and death. Some diseases are difficult for clinicians to diagnose because they are rare, while others may mimic more common Read More…

What Commonly Causes Hypoxia in Newborns?

Published on February 19, 2024

The birth of a new baby is a joyous, unforgettable event for every family, but when parents learn their baby suffered hypoxia during or after childbirth, they’re left wondering what the future holds. Despite advances in today’s obstetric care, hypoxia and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), remain a problem with long-term health impacts for more than two Read More…

How Negligent Medical Care Can Cause a Brain Injury

Published on February 12, 2024

When we think about brain injuries, we tend to focus on those caused by a blow to the head, a car accident, a motorcycle crash, a bad fall, or a sports injury. While those are common causes of traumatic brain injuries, not all brain injuries result from those types of accidents. An alarming number of Read More…

Common Problems Caused By Unnecessary Surgery

Published on February 5, 2024

Surgeries are lifesaving and can be critical in mitigating disease and treating injuries. As many as 50 million surgeries take place in the U.S. each year and 310 million occur globally. When surgery is necessary, it’s one of the most targeted and effective medical treatments available. However, surgery comes with significant risks, including postoperative infections Read More…

What Are the Most Common Stroke Risk Factors?

Published on January 26, 2024

A stroke is an emergency situation with potentially life-altering or deadly effects. A stroke causes a cut-off of oxygen to the brain or a portion of the brain either by blockage or bleeding, resulting in the death of brain cells. The brain needs a continual supply of nutrients and oxygen-carrying blood to function properly. When Read More…

What Are the Biggest Risks and Complications for Surgery?

Published on January 22, 2024

All medical procedures come with potential risks and side effects, but surgery—even minor surgery—is among the riskiest. Not only do anesthesia and invasive procedures come with potential hazards, but the consequences of a medical mistake by a provider can be grave when it occurs during surgery. Surgery saves millions of lives each year and advances Read More…

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The personal injury attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona, at Knapp & Roberts have the compassion and trial lawyer skills to tell your story to a jury. We will get to know you and your family so that we can help the jury understand what has happened to you and your family and how it has changed your lives. Obtain the compensation necessary for the injuries and losses you have suffered.